Merri Anne is the Director of Care and Outreach at Journey Church in Howard, OH
After years of praying for the opportunity to have Journey Church as a presence on the campus of Kenyon College, I was approached out of the blue by the pastor of Vineyard Church of Knox County to consider being a part of the McIlvaine Fund Board. After meeting the Kenyon alumni board and learning about the CCO, I knew that God had created a space for Journey on the campus to come alongside the students as they walk through their college years. It is my passion to see God work through our congregation to engage students and empower them to live lives that are transformed by Christ. We see this happening organically by meeting with them for coffee or having them over for dinner. We are intentionally mentoring individual students, and joining them for times of study and prayer on campus. We invite them to our worship services at Journey, and give them service opportunities. God is up to something big on the campus of Kenyon College through the Mcilvaine Funds’ support of the CCO and Journey wants to be a part of it.
The Mcilvaine Fund has an all volunteer board of Kenyon alumni, representatives of local congregations, and area CCO staff alumni. This board helps provide oversight in cooperation with the CCO for the selection of a CCO campus ministry staff person, provides prayer and financial resources for half the funding of a CCO staff person at Kenyon.